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Legionella Control Services North Yorkshire
Phil France provides specialist legionella risk assessment and water hygiene control solutions from the risk from legionella bacteria, within hot and cold water systems, and can help you implement effective management solutions for your water system in accordance with current Health and Safety Executive Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 Guidance.
Legionella Risk Assessment & Hygiene Control
Phil France Plumbing and Heating can ensure that the water systems of your commercial premises are kept operationally safe, enabling you to provide your your clients with a 100% compliant hygiene safety and water supply. A comprehensive package of water hygiene services to meet your needs, ranging from temperature audits to water sampling, tank inspections, shower cleaning, pH monitoring and thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) servicing are provided. Alongside routine water hygiene tasks, they can provide advance analysis and maintenance of your closed water systems to provide protection from corrosion and microbial presence.
Our North Yorkshire service area covers all towns ...
Scarborough, Whitby, Filey, Bridlington. Snaiton, Malton, Helmsley,Pickering, Thirsk, Skipton, Tadcaster, Guisborough, York, Harrogate etc ...
Legionella Risk Assessment, Water Hygiene and Control Services
Legionella risk assessments
Our legionella risk assessments focus on the identification and evaluation of all hot and cold water systems for risks associated with Legionella to ACoP L8 guidelines. We can provide clear and comprehensive reports complete with site schematics and recommendations for the risks identified.
Legionella risk assessment review
By law, legionella risk assessments need to be reviewed every 2 years or following a system change. We can examine the validity of the current risk assessment and all site control measures. These are carried out to carried out to ACoP L8 guidelines.
Legionella monitoring and inspection
We can provide tailored water hygiene monitoring and control programmes which include the recommended processes and actions required to control all the identified risks of legionella, to ensure that you are compliant with ACoP L8 and your water system remains free from harmful levels of contaminants.
Microbiological sampling
We can provide a range of chemical and microbiological analysis of water systems by a UKAS accredited laboratory, predominantly testing for Legionella, Total Viable Counts, Coliform and E- coli amongst others.
Water storage tank clean and disinfections
We can clean and disinfect cold water storage tanks where water is stored, also providing reactive emergency legionella positive disinfection.
Tank refurbishment and replacement
We can provide a complete service to address all water system requirements, from basic remedial and plumbing works to replacement of large capacity water storage tanks.
Remedial work
We can audit and provide corrective plumbing and improvement works to the physical structure of your water system to keep you compliant with latest regulations, including re-routing and reconfiguration of components
HSE Information and guidance on legionella & legionnaires disease
Visit this link: hse.gov.uk/legionnaires
for further information, including explanations about legionella, risk and legal requirements.Mains Injections / pipe work chlorinations
We can provide disinfection of pipework including internal hot and cold water services, external mains injections and all pre-commission services in line with local water authority guidelines.
About Legionella Bacteria
Legionella bacteria is commonly found in water. The bacteria multiply where temperatures are between 20-45°C and nutrients are available. The bacteria however remain dormant below 20°C and do not survive above 60°C.
Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal type of pneumonia, contracted by inhaling airborne water droplets containing viable Legionella bacteria. Such droplets can be created, for example, by: hot and cold water outlets; atomisers; wet air conditioning plant; and whirlpool or hydrotherapy baths. Anyone can develop Legionnaires’ disease, but the elderly, smokers, alcoholics and those with cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory or kidney disease are more at risk.
What you need to do
Health and social care providers should carry out a full risk assessment of their hot and cold water systems and ensure adequate measures are in place to control the risks - alternatively we can do this for you.
Legionella control. How Phil France Plumbing and Heating can helpUsing temperature control
The primary method used to control the risk from Legionella is water temperature control. Water services should be operated at temperatures that prevent Legionella growth:
- Hot water storage cylinders (calorifiers) should store water at 60°C or higher
- Hot water should be distributed at 50°C or higher (thermostatic mixer valves need to be fitted as close as possible to outlets, where a scald risk is identified).
- Cold water should be stored and distributed below 20°C.
We can routinely check, inspect and clean the system, in accordance with the risk assessment.
We will identify ‘sentinel’ outlets (furthest and closest to each tank or cylinder) for monthly checking of the distribution temperatures.
We will also check the hot water storage cylinder temperatures every month and cold water tank temperatures at least every six months.
Stagnant water favours Legionella growth. To reduce the risk we can remove dead legs/dead ends in pipe-work, flush out infrequently used outlets (including showerheads and taps) and clean and de-scale shower heads and hoses at least quarterly.We will also clean cold-water storage tanks and drain water from the hot water cylinders to check for debris or signs of corrosion.
We can design systems to minimise Legionella growth, by:
- keeping pipe work as short and direct as possible;
- adequately insulating pipes and tanks;
- using materials that do not encourage the growth of Legionella;
- preventing contamination, eg by fitting tanks with lids and insect screens.
Additional controls
We can analyse water samples for Legionella periodically to demonstrate that bacteria counts are acceptable. The frequency should be determined by level of risk, in accordance with the risk assessment.
Other control methods
Other methods to control Legionella include copper and silver ionisation and biocide treatments (eg chlorine dioxide). To ensure that they remain effective their application will need suitable assessment as part of the overall water treatment programme including proper installation, maintenance and monitoring.
Contact Phil France Plumbing & Heating today
Office : 42-46 Ewart Street, Scarborough. North Yorkshire. YO12 4EP
Tel : 01723 369146
Mob : 07971 194912
Email : admin[at]philfrance.co.uk
Or send a message via the secure form
Our service area is the YO postcode areas of North Yorkshire ... Scarborough, Whitby, Filey, Bridlington, Snaiton, Malton, Helmsley, Pickering, Thirsk, Guisborough, York etc ...
Copyright © Phil France Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Company Registration 09459254
Registered Office:
42-46 Ewart Street, Scarborough. North Yorkshire. YO12 4EP